30.07.2024 | Full-time | Cluj-Napoca | nShiftAnd to be available 24/7 monitoring of systems and applications troubleshooting of incidents, the scope of responsibility ends at the border between OS and application looking into ways to further optimize the current procedures and practices in the team being part of the on-call schedule, outside office hours
Uita-te mai târziu29.06.2024 | Full-time | Cluj-Napoca | INGIn 2015 as ING’s software development hub - a distinct entity from ING Bank Romania - then steadily expanded our range to include more services and we provide borderless services with bank-wide capabilities and operate from two locations Bucharest and Cluj- tech capabilities
Uita-te mai târziu28.06.2024 | Full-time | Cluj-Napoca | EastmenCu cârlig).Descrierea jobului Activitățile tale zilnice includ vei primi traseele pe computerul tău de bord pentru ziua următoare vei colecta containere cu material rezidual de la clienți, aflate în toată țara vei transporta containerele la alte depozite naționale Cerințe Cunoașterea limbii engleze
Uita-te mai târziu28.06.2024 | Full-time | Cluj-Napoca | INGDiscover ING Hubs RomaniaWe started out in 2015 as ING’s software development hub - a distinct entity from ING Bank Romania - then steadily expanded our range to include more services and erly known as ING Tech, as of 2022 we provide borderless services with bank-wide capabilities
Uita-te mai târziu24.06.2024 | Full-time | Cluj-Napoca | INGIn 2015 as ING’s software development hub - a distinct entity from ING Bank Romania - then steadily expanded our range to include more services and we provide borderless services with bank-wide capabilities and operate from two locations Bucharest and Cluj- tech capabilities
Uita-te mai târziu15.04.2019 | Full-time | Cluj-Napoca | Arabesque | Facturile primite de la Agent transporturi -Verifica si completeaza Borderourile de distributie -Preda numerarul si instrumentele de plata conf. Procedurilor de Contabilitate. -Verifica avizele de la furnizor si avizele catre clienti, -Respecta Procedura Distributia marfurilor Oferta -Pachet salarial
Uita-te mai târziu12.03.2019 | Full-time | Cluj-Napoca | Bosch Romania | And electronic components - Maintaining inspection plans in SAP system - Set up standardized test equipment. - Control dimensions and perform measurements. - Execute tests at different component-level following specifications. - Take decision in the event of borderline cases, if needed together with supervisor
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