17.04.2019 | Full-time | Bucureşti | IQBox.ro SRL | Products- web audiences, understand their needs, and determine when and how to communicate with them -Develop - manage viral marketing campaigns, for the online, retaild2d, b2b segments -Develop and execute a blogging communication strategy, including responses to negative and positive feedback
Uita-te mai târziu17.04.2019 | Full-time | Bucureşti | Valoris Center | La preg-tirea materialelor de brand pentru evenimente interne -i externe; - Vei analiza pia-a -i competitorii no-tri; - Vei p-stra leg-tura cu furnizorii -i cu poten-ialii clien-i; - Vei r-spunde mesajelor primite în social media (Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin); - Vei r-spunde solicit-rilor prospec-ilor
Uita-te mai târziu17.04.2019 | Full-time | Bucureşti | IQBox.ro SRL | Ce se extinde - Pachet salarial atractiv peste media pietei, format din salariu fix - comision (in functie de performanta) - Contract de munca pe durata nedeterminata - Training si dezvoltare personala - Oportunitate de dezvoltare a carierei
Uita-te mai târziu16.04.2019 | Full-time | Iaşi (Iaşi) | Brainspotting | Flexible program. Our client is specialized in the design and implementation of solutions based on digital media and new communication channels. Through its network of highly specialized companies, our client partners with major European corporations in the telecoms and media, industry and services
Uita-te mai târziu16.04.2019 | Full-time | Bucureşti | Professional | Abilitati organizatorice si de planificare; - adaptabilitate, initiativa si receptivitate la noi informatii; - cunostinte temeinice in ceea ce priveste utilizarea calculatorului (Microsoft Office); - cunoastinte in ceea ce priveste regulile de administrare si men-inere a conturilor de social media (Facebook
Uita-te mai târziu15.04.2019 | Full-time | Bucureşti | ENDAVA | Of June Discipline Development Length undetermined - 8 hours per day Location Bucharest About us Endava is a public technology company, with over 18 years of experience of working with some of the world’s leading Finance, Insurance, Telecommunications, Media, Technology, and Retail companies. Through
Uita-te mai târziu15.04.2019 | Full-time | Bucureşti | ENDAVA | Leading Finance, Insurance, Telecommunications, Media, Technology, and Retail companies. Through the Digital Evolution, Agile Transformation and Automation solutions, Endava helps its clients be more engaging, responsive and efficient by supporting them from ideation to production. Endava has 5,389
Uita-te mai târziu15.04.2019 | Full-time | Bucureşti | Unilever | Of competitors and their brands; - Use market consumer and competitive knowledge to formulate brand strategies, recommend product improvements, etc. - Monitor brand performance against targets and prepare proposals for corrective action; - Monitor sales by SKU; update brand histories - Involve in contacts
Uita-te mai târziu15.04.2019 | Full-time | Bucureşti | ENDAVA | Of the world’s leading Finance, Insurance, Telecommunications, Media, Technology, and Retail companies. Through the Digital Evolution, Agile Transformation and Automation solutions, Endava helps its clients be more engaging, responsive and efficient by supporting them from ideation to production. Endava has
Uita-te mai târziu15.04.2019 | Full-time | Bucureşti | Active SOFT | De parenting > campanii de educare > campanii de promovare produse in segmentul iHealth - construirea si mentinerea unor relatii stranse cu clientii si agentiile media; - negocierea contractelor de vanzari directe si urmarirea realizarii acestora
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Abonare la toate joburile de Media Strategy din Bucureşti Sector.