11.04.2019 | Full-time | Bucureşti | Computer Generated Solutions Romania | Excellent knowledge of Portuguese (advanced skills) - Good knowledge of the English language, both verbal and written (medium skills) - Good decision-making and communication skills - Good people and interpersonal skills to build effective relationships with all levels of professionals - Strong
Uita-te mai târziu11.04.2019 | Full-time | Bucureşti | OC Prod HR Consulting | University Degree in Automatics, Computer Science, Electronics, Electrical Engineering, Mechatronics Above Basic knowledge of Matlab/ Simulink Knowledge of static software verification and tests Medium level of English Communicative and a strong team player Knowledge of automotive environment would
Uita-te mai târziu11.04.2019 | Full-time | Craiova | EBC | Proactiva; Salariu fix Tichete de masa Bonusuri lunare in functie de rezultate Mediu de lucru placut Contract pe perioada nedeterminata
Uita-te mai târziu11.04.2019 | Full-time | Bucureşti | Cetelem | Clientilor - Te asiguri ca finalizezi vanzarea,tinand cont de procedurile si normele interne - Preiei si rezolvi reclamatiile clientilor,asigurandu-te ca detii toate informatiile necesare gestionarii situatiei - Activitatea desfasurata nu presupune deplasari; Beneficii - Un mediu de lucru placut,dinamic
Uita-te mai târziu11.04.2019 | Part-time | Bucureşti | Automatic Data Processing ADP Romania | And researching existing - emerging companies to identify their business objectives and critical business issues. Maintenance of the database is paramount. SKILLS - French/ German native speaker or fluent (min B1); English min B1 - Sales/Marketing orientation - Medium Level of Digital literacy
Uita-te mai târziu11.04.2019 | Full-time | Călăraşi (Călăraşi) | MEWI | Profesionala - mediu placut de lucru - echipamente moderne pentru desfasurarea activitatii. Aplic- pe
Uita-te mai târziu11.04.2019 | Full-time | Bucureşti | CERTSIGN S.A. | Cuno-tin-e limba englez - nivel mediu. Responsabilit-i - Preia solicit-rile de asisten- tehnic- de la clien-i prin canalele de comunica-ie telefon, e-mail, web, sms, whatapp etc. - Înregistreaz- solicit-rile clien-ilor în aplica-ia informatic - Rezolv- solicit-rile de asisten- tehnic
Uita-te mai târziu11.04.2019 | Full-time | Bucureşti | HR Gold | Nostru; - un birou ca un loc de joaca, ce te va inspira in fiecare zi; - shuttle pus la dispozitie in fiecare zi, daca nu vrei sa vii cu masina personala; - un mediu deschis catre tehnologie si simplificare - suntem cu ochii pe cele mai noi tendinte in domeniu, pe care vrem sa le implementam
Uita-te mai târziu10.04.2019 | Full-time | Bucureşti | QLT | Sa lucreze cu copiii (grupe de varsta 2 ani, 3-4 ani; 4-5 ani); Persoane cu atitudine calda, politicoasa, calma, echilibrata si organizata; Cunostintele de limba engleza la nivel minim mediu; Este important sa ai zambetul pe buze, transmitand incredere copiilor; Cautam o persoane dedicate activitatilor
Uita-te mai târziu10.04.2019 | Full-time | Bucureşti | UniCredit Bank | Requirements - Student or University degree - If not attending a Computer Sciences University, 1 year in IT industry or in the IT department of a medium - large sized company - Experience in banking system is a plus - Driving license - Office Software - Operating Systems - Basic Programming
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