16.08.2024 | Full-time | Mioveni | BertrandtInstrumentelor de diagnosticare (DDT2000, CANALYSER, CARELEC, CANoe, DOC2000, MCAT2, COCINA, Traminator etc.)Utilizarea instrumentelor de analiză EE (voltmetru, osciloscop, etc.)Limba engleză la un nivel avansat, franceza fiind un plusPachet MS Office Beneficii Sport activities Discounts Training on-the Job
Uita-te mai târziu20.03.2019 | Full-time | Piteşti | EasyDO | Training opportunities, attractive salary, medical care, restaurant tickets, etc. Do the business specifications identifications of client-s requirements Write down the specifications in documents Approve by the client Lead the client meetings identification of technology to be used by interacting
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Abonare la toate joburile de Health Care Issues din Argeș Județ.