17.07.2024 | Full-time | Moreni (Neamţ) | KauflandAnunţ externBeneficiile tale Contract de muncă pe durată nedeterminată cu un salariu ce pornește de la suma de 0 lei brut pentru un program de lucru de 8 ore/zi) Bonuri de masă, bonusuri operative variabile și creșteri salariale anuale de zile lucrătoare de concediu la semnarea contractului, zile
Uita-te mai târziu28.06.2024 | Full-time | Victoria (Hlipiceni) | EcolabTes, reviews, and approves general and operating procedures, work instructions and other quality-related as subject matter expert in no less than one discipline of lops and maintains validation metrics and ensures compliance and identification of trends leading to site
Uita-te mai târziu08.04.2019 | Full-time | Iaşi (Iaşi) | Capgemini | Capable to work in a dynamic environment; - Fast learner; MAIN ACCOUNTABILITIES - Assisting with preparation of financial reports actuals/forecasts/budget; - Support revenue and costs analysis; - Timesheet control and reporting; - Support Financial Controller in daily operations; - Preparing ad-hoc
Uita-te mai târziu08.04.2019 | Full-time | Iaşi (Iaşi) | Capgemini | Engagement for current and future opportunities Identify issues and resolutions related to the recruitment process and share with the Operations Deliver recruitment reports (weekly & ad-hoc) Ensure accurate data is updated in the HR system Offer support and promote Capgemini-s employer brand by representing
Uita-te mai târziu04.04.2019 | Full-time | Iaşi (Iaşi) | Capgemini | By Capgemini 7card gym subscription discount Referral bonus Teambuilding events, Christmas vouchers & goodies for each Annual Holiday Opportunity to evolve after minimum 12 months
Uita-te mai târziu04.04.2019 | Full-time | Iaşi (Iaşi) | Expleo Group | Technical work and executes technical projects - Organizes and accomplishes assigned workload - Read and interpret building codes and technical specifications - Generate and manage documentation, preparing reports - Interface with connected disciplines and/or suppliers and clients. *All applicants
Uita-te mai târziu02.04.2019 | Full-time | Iaşi (Iaşi) | Hunt Recruitment | Framework (ADF) front-end layer - Iterating with our interaction and visual designers to refine and define old and new user experiences - Profiling client-side performance to identify and correct bottlenecks - Investigate and prototype new web technologies and discuss/drive future potential solutions
Uita-te mai târziu29.03.2019 | Full-time | Iaşi (Iaşi) | Nexus Electronics | Identificarii de noi clien-i - Vei stabili si participa la intalniri cu clientii - Vei urmari atingerea si depasirea targetelor de vanzari - Vei mentine o legatura permanenta atat cu clientii propriu-zisi, cat si cu posibilii clienti, le vei acorda asistenta necesara pe durata parteneriatului sau discutiilor
Uita-te mai târziu22.03.2019 | Full-time | Iaşi (Iaşi) | VEO Worldwide Services | Benefits - Real opportunities to develop a career in a professional environment, along with a dynamic and successful team; - Involvement in transversal projects at local or international level; - Benefit - online benefits platform - discount stores, sporting activities, medical insurance, seven cards
Uita-te mai târziu22.03.2019 | Full-time | Iaşi (Iaşi) | INTERBRANDS Marketing & Distribution | Punct forte; -Gandire flexibila - punct forte; -Construire de relatii - punct forte; -Gestioneaza proactiv volumul de munca; -Abilitati de vanzare si negociere; -Cunostinte foarte bune de operare PC Word, Excel. Nota Prima etapa din procesul de selectie presupune sustinerea unei testari de logica. Vor
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