20.03.2019 | Full-time | Ploieşti | Rhein Vision | Notions. - assists in developing and implementing the company-s marketing strategies; - assists in establishing and implementing the marketing plan and budget; - manages the company's website and online content activities; - actively promotes the company through social media activities; - ensures
Uita-te mai târziu19.03.2019 | Full-time | Ploieşti | Schlumberger | Department and ensure issuing and implementation of all procedures related to Quality Management System (QMS) according Company-s policies by respecting ISO 9001, API Spec. Q1; - Responsible for reporting and training on any change occurred in ISO 9001, API Spec Q1; - Maintain proper records related
Uita-te mai târziu15.04.2019 | Full-time | Brazi (Hunedoara) | WEDOHR | Aptitudini analitice; -Inregistreaza facturile de achizitii, extrasele de banca-, registrele de casa- s-i deconturile; -Intocmeste declaratii fiscale; -Asigura inregistrarea si prelucrarea documentelor financiare, evidenta incasarilor si platilor; -Asigura desfasurarea corespunzatoare a operatiunilor
Uita-te mai târziu16.04.2019 | Full-time | Ploieşti | BRD Finance | Public Încuraj-m mersul pe jos, dar î-i oferim alternative. - asigurare de via- Ne intereseaz- protejarea -i siguran-a ta financiar- în cazul unor evenimente neprev-zute! - asigurare medical- la o clinic- privat- Ne intereseaz- s-n-tatea ta! - mediu de lucru pl-cut Te a-teapt- ni-te colegi minuna-i
Uita-te mai târziu03.04.2019 | Full-time | Bucureşti | Regina Maria | Incasarea contravalorii serviciilor medicale. Re-eaua de s-n-tate REGINA MARIA -i-a câ-tigat pozi-ia de lider pe pia-a medical- româneasc- datorit- calit-ii serviciilor oferite -i grijii permanente, manifestate atât în interiorul companiei, fa- de angaja-i, cât -i în exterior, fa- de pacien-i -i parteneri
Uita-te mai târziu08.04.2019 | Full-time | Ploieşti | Gi Group | Preventative maintenance tasks on laptops, desktops, printers and any other authorized peripheral equipment - Support local IT infrastructure for business development projects - Presents and educates IT solutions, methods, and tools to customer in order to increase their efficiency - Participate actively
Uita-te mai târziu01.04.2019 | Full-time | Bucureşti | Inaxio Consulting | Or 3rd parties in due time - Work closely with both customer and vendor for issue investigation and resolution - Inbox management - Technical reports - Communicate accordingly
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Abonare la toate joburile de Business Management Business S din Ploieşti Sector.